Delivering world-class DMLS 3D Printed parts in as little as 3 days
Our partners’ expertise – combined with the power of our data-driven software and the 1400+ machines on our network – will ensure your DMLS 3D Printed parts are affordably quoted, quickly delivered and made right the first time, every time. We currently offer all common materials and the majority of our partners support generative design, meaning that when you trust Geomiq with your DMLS 3D Printing project, the possibilities are endless.
READY TO GET YOUR QUOTE?Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS) is a metal 3D Printing technology that selectively fuses a fine metal powder using a laser. This DMLS 3D Printing process is used to manufacture both prototypes and production parts – particularly those with very complex features and all-in-one assemblies with high strength requirements.
It takes just seconds to upload your design files to the G-Quote engine. We benchmark a minimum of 3 quotes from trusted partners and deliver you the best price within one business day.
Once the best quote for price, quality and speed is selected, our trusted partners will get to work creating you the highest quality of mechanical parts – and your parts will be manufactured in days!
Our expert team of engineers carry out two stages of rigorous Quality Control to ensure thorough inspections of your parts and ensure they are right the first time.
Utilising our proprietary software and our on-site teams, we ensure on-time delivery and communicate project status at every stage from order through to delivery.
All uploads are secure and confidential.