Case Study: Vikaso

Founded in 2019, Vikaso is a leading innovator in the robotics industry, specializing in Collaborative Robot (COBOT) systems. These systems are engineered to work side-by-side with humans to automate routine tasks in industries ranging from automotive manufacturing to hospitality. Facing challenges in manufacturing logistics and scalability, Vikaso partnered with Geomiq. Our platform provided them with the streamlined sourcing and manufacturing solutions needed to accelerate their production without compromising on quality.

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vikaso logo





Quainton, UK

Year Founded





Collaborative Robots (COBOTs)

Why Geomiq?

Competitive pricing, DFM advice, efficient project management.


CNC Machining


Black anodised Alu6082, EN8 Tool Steel, E16T Tool Steel

Projects Completed



Reduced manufacturing lead times, cost savings, and improved part quality.

Examples of parts:

(CNC Milling) Bead Blasted Standard Black Anodised  2

Method: CNC Milling

Process: Milling

Finish: Bead blasted

Secondary: Anodised

Colour: Standard black

Company & Product

Vikaso's COBOTs revolutionize the way industries interact with automation technology. These robots are smaller, lighter, and more intuitive than traditional robots, taking up at least 50% less space and costing significantly less to deploy. Vikaso’s innovations make advanced automation accessible and affordable, allowing even smaller organizations to harness these transformative technologies. In 2020, they developed two unique world-first applications, further solidifying their position as pioneers in the field.

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Helping Vikaso achieve streamlined manufacturing

Transforming the world of manufacturing is no easy task, and when creating these unique, world-first robotic systems, the process from Design to Manufacture and QA (Quality Assurance) proved long and tedious for the Vikaso team. In 2019, when Vikaso were first setting up shop, they began outsourcing their part manufacturing using bespoke manufacturing companies they had heard of through their network - but this approach to the manufacturing process left a lot to be desired.

Having to find suppliers, negotiate prices, carry out admin tasks, manage lead times, maintain transparency and conduct thorough quality checks all by themselves kept them from the work they truly valued – creating, innovating and designing advanced robotic systems that were taking the world by storm!

On top of all of this admin, the manufacturers they were working with varied in their capabilities and specialisms, meaning it was hard to find one manufacturer they could rely on for every new project and requirement.

As a result, Vikaso began looking for a ‘one-stop shop’ that could take care of the majority of their unique manufacturing needs, ensure they always got the best possible prices - with the shortest lead times - and, crucially, make sure they always received the highest quality of parts.

Soon after, Vikaso partnered with Geomiq through which they get access to a vast network of suppliers, with huge capabilities, competitive pricing and shorter lead times. Our platform also handles all administrative aspects, allowing Vikaso to focus on innovation and design.

“The quality of the parts we would receive was one of our main considerations before we started to use Geomiq, and because Geomiq conducts an internal quality audit of the components at every stage of the process, whenever we’ve received parts from Geomiq, they have always been 100% correct.” says Vaibhav Boricha, Director of Vikaso.

When it comes to the manufacturing of COBOT systems, Vikaso’s needs vary, sometimes ordering in bulk, other time’s needing one-offs for certain projects. The urgency and required lead times also varies accordingly. With Geomiq, Vikaso has a partner that can offer the flexibility they need.

“Using Geomiq is a huge benefit to us because we do not need to commit to ordering a certain volume of parts. Sometimes we need two parts, and we can get them from Geomiq. Sometimes we need fifty parts, and we can get them from Geomiq!” - Vaibhav Boricha, Director of Vikaso

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Outcomes & Results

  • Geomiq has become a one-stop-shop for Vikaso’s manufacturing needs, offering flexibility in cost, lead times and volumes.
  • Vikaso has saved approximately 70-75% of the time previously spent managing manufacturing processes. This substantial time saving translates directly into enhanced productivity and innovation.
  • Quality Assurance: Every part delivered to Vikaso undergoes rigorous quality checks before dispatch, ensuring a 100% accuracy rate and maintaining the high standards Vikaso requires for their advanced robotic systems.
Vaibhav Boricha

 ”As end users of machined components, it’s always a difficult task to contact suppliers, get the best quotes, quality check delivered parts, and manage the entire project. The fact that Geomiq took care of all of that for us essentially means that we can have our designs manufactured within the span of 2-3 weeks 100% correctly by doing almost nothing more than pressing a button on Geomiq’s website!

The quality of the parts we receive was one of our main considerations before we started to use Geomiq. Because Geomiq conducts an internal quality audit of the components at every stage of the process, whenever we’ve received parts from Geomiq, they have always been 100% correct.” - Vaibhav Boricha, Director of Vikaso

About the author

Sam Portrait

Sam Al-Mukhtar

Mechanical Engineer, Founder and CEO of Geomiq

Mechanical Engineer, Founder and CEO of Geomiq, an online manufacturing platform for CNC Machining, 3D Printing, Injection Moulding and Sheet Metal fabrication. Our mission is to automate custom manufacturing, to deliver industry-leading service levels that enable engineers to innovate faster.

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