Oz Andrews
Tyba Home
We use the Geomiq platform as it is the easiest and fastest way to get any of our parts made. They are the obvious choice, highly recommended!
Delivering world-class SLA, SLS, FDM, MJF, and DMLS 3D printed parts to London in as little as 3 days. You’ll receive the perfect 3D printed parts – the first time, every time.
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Geomiq offers advanced prototyping, end-use, and industrial 3D printing services in London, supporting your one-off or batch production projects. With a network of over 350 3D printers around the world, we always have the capacity to seamlessly bring your 3D printing project to life at competitive prices. We have earned our reputation as an industry-leading 3D printing manufacturer in London and beyond, working with the very latest 3D printing technologies.Â
Metal 3D printing DMLS or SLM is best for metal parts with complex geometry using production-grade materials such as Stainless Steel 316L, Aluminium AlSi10Mg, Inconel 718, and Titanium Ti6AI4V.
SLS 3D printing is popular for inexpensive industrial applications. It is compatible with high-performance Nylon materials PA11, PA12, PP, and flexible TPU. It also offers glass-filled Nylon options for further mechanical performance.
HP MJF 3D printing service offers high-performance Nylon materials PA11, PA12, flexible TPU-95A, and Ultrasint TPU, offering consistent mechanical performance.
FDM 3D printing offers low-cost and fast-turnaround functional parts for prototyping, durable manufacturing tools, and jigs. A range of rigid plastics, including ABS, PC, and ULTEM, is available.
SLA (Stereolithography) offers unrivaled feature detail and surface quality. It is ideal for visual prototypes and models, moulds, and form and fit checks. ABS-like, PC-like, and Silicone materials are available in many colours.
Geomiq offers high-quality 3D printing services in London. We’re proud to partner with 260+ experienced and highly vetted 3D printing manufacturers in London and around the world who have a proven track record of making high-quality, high-precision 3D Printed parts for customers all over the globe. With our partners’ expertise, access to 350+ of the latest 3D printers, our engineers’ attention to detail, and our entire team’s commitment to exceptional quality assurance at every stage, you can rest assured that with Geomiq, you’ll receive the perfect 3D Printed parts delivered to you in London – the first time, every time.
We’re committed to reducing friction at every stage so you can be as delighted with the speed of your 3D printed parts’ arrival as you are with their exceptional quality. Order 3D printing services now to receive your parts in London in as little as 3 days!
3D printing can create highly complex shapes and geometries which are harder to produce via other manufacturing processes.
Geomiq's 3D printing in London produces durable, impact-resistant parts suitable for a multitude of prototype testing or end-use applications.
When it comes to 3D printing services in London, Geomiq stands out with our wealth of experience across industries like aerospace, defense, robotics, medical, automotive, and electronics. Rely on our world-class supply chain of 3D printing partners to meet diverse requirements.
We only offer the best plastic and metal 3D printing materials sourced from vetted material suppliers in London and worldwide. Geomiq guarantees the excellent quality of the parts delivered to you. We offer numerous commercial-grade materials, such as PA2200, PA12 – and so much more. Whatever your application, we have suitable materials!
Upload your 3D printing CAD to our platform, select your lead time and get an instant or 24hr 3D printing London specific quote.
We select the most suited 3D manufacturer in London or globally for your 3D printing order and begin production immediately.
We are committed to offering the best quality assurance in the business. Our highly skilled engineers triple-check all your files and parts, from the initial 3D printing quote to the final inspection, ensuring your satisfaction the first time, every time.
We ship your 3D printed parts to London on express services where possible, including physical delivery notes and inspection reports.
Upload your 3D printing CAD to our platform, select your lead time and get an instant or 24hr 3D printing London specific quote.
We select the most suited 3D manufacturer in London or globally for your 3D printing order and begin production immediately.
We are committed to offering the best quality assurance in the business. Our highly skilled engineers triple-check all your files and parts, from the initial 3D printing quote to the final inspection, ensuring your satisfaction the first time, every time.
We ship your 3D printed parts to London on express services where possible, including physical delivery notes and inspection reports.
We are committed to offering the best quality assurance in the business. Our highly skilled engineers triple-check all your files and parts, from the initial 3D printing quote to the final inspection, ensuring your satisfaction the first time, every time.
At Geomiq, we understand the value of your time, and we are dedicated to helping you save more of it. Upon uploading your files, we provide a quote within one business day, and our network of highly experienced partners ensures that your 3D printing parts are of the highest quality with short lead times.
We collaborate with 260+ experienced and vetted 3D manufacturers in London and around the world. This allows you to access a world-class supply chain, offering great 3D printing capabilities and the highest standards globally, all from a single access point.
Metal 3D printing (DMLS and SLM)
DCTG 6 of DIN EN ISO 8062-3 for dimensions between 0.5 and 30 mm
DCTG 8 of DIN EN ISO 8062-3 for dimensions between 30 and 400 mm
DIN ISO 2768-1 c (coarse) for dimensions between 0.5 mm and 400 mm
Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM)
500mm x500mm x 500mm
± 0.5% with a lower limit of ± 0.5 mm
HP Multi-Jet Fusion (MJF)
370mm x 274mm x 375mm although we suggest 200mm x 200mm x 200mm to prevent warping, distortion and inaccuracy.
(Larger parts can be made as multiple sub-parts in and mechanically or chemically joined together)
PA 12 (MJF): ±0.3% (with a lower limit of ±0.3 mm) although tolerances may change based on part geometry.
Selective Laser Sintering (SLS)
340mm x 340mm x 605mm although we suggest 320mm x 320mm x 580mm to prevent warping, distortion and inaccuracy.
(Larger parts can be made as multiple sub-parts in and mechanically or chemically joined together)
±0.3% (with a lower limit of ±0.3 mm) although tolerances may change based on part geometry.
Stereolithograph (SLA)
500mm x500mm x 500mm
Standard ±0,5% (±0,2 mm lower limit)
Industrial ±0,5% (±0,15 mm lower limit)
Metal 3D printing (DMLS and SLM)
DCTG 6 of DIN EN ISO 8062-3 for dimensions between 0.5 and 30 mm
DCTG 8 of DIN EN ISO 8062-3 for dimensions between 30 and 400 mm
DIN ISO 2768-1 c (coarse) for dimensions between 0.5 mm and 400 mm
Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM)
500mm x500mm x 500mm
± 0.5% with a lower limit of ± 0.5 mm
HP Multi-Jet Fusion (MJF)
370mm x 274mm x 375mm although we suggest 200mm x 200mm x 200mm to prevent warping, distortion and inaccuracy.
(Larger parts can be made as multiple sub-parts in and mechanically or chemically joined together)
PA 12 (MJF): ±0.3% (with a lower limit of ±0.3 mm) although tolerances may change based on part geometry.
Selective Laser Sintering (SLS)
340mm x 340mm x 605mm although we suggest 320mm x 320mm x 580mm to prevent warping, distortion and inaccuracy.
(Larger parts can be made as multiple sub-parts in and mechanically or chemically joined together)
±0.3% (with a lower limit of ±0.3 mm) although tolerances may change based on part geometry.
Stereolithograph (SLA)
500mm x500mm x 500mm
Standard ±0,5% (±0,2 mm lower limit)
Industrial ±0,5% (±0,15 mm lower limit)
Use our affordable 3D printing services London to access competitive pricing. Our AI-powered quoting platform is trained to provide the most cost-effective quote based on your model and manufacturing preferences.
3D printing is a fast, effective way to create prototypes. It allows you to rapidly produce multiple iterations, test, and execute modifications.
3D printing offers many design possibilities which can't be manufactured with other technologies.
Reduce resource requirements like materials or energy. Being an additive technology, 3D printing is a more sustainable option.
3D printing can create highly complex shapes and geometries which are harder to produce via other manufacturing processes.
3D printing offers the flexibility of on-demand manufacturing. Get custom 3D printing services in London on demand.
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We have hundreds of global manufacturing partners for 3D printing services. This ensures that we are highly competitive and have unlimited capacity. We can route jobs geographically to reduce lead times and shipping costs, as well as reduce the carbon footprint of each order. All of our 3D printing partners in London and globally undergo stringent onboarding and vetting processes. We use data to track on-time deliveries, quality, and pricing. This ensures your job is always with the most suited supplier to deliver high-quality and custom 3D printed parts to London.
See our case studies in action. Discover how we turn ideas into products with our prototyping and manufacturing capabilities.
Oz Andrews
Tyba Home
We use the Geomiq platform as it is the easiest and fastest way to get any of our parts made. They are the obvious choice, highly recommended!
Jamie Fairclough
Design Lead
Industrial Robotics | Arrival
Geomiq streamlines your parts supply chain down to a single supplier. A true enabler for anyone involved with fast paced R&D through to production.
James Batstone
Future Product Research Lead
Brompton Bikes
Geomiq have been fantastic in getting one-off prototype parts to us in our research team super fast so we can go out and test these ideas in the real world using the Brompton Future Lab initiative.
Alex Leck
Design Engineer
JCL Lighting
The quality and service since using Geomiq has rapidly accelerated our development process for roadmap, strategic and bespoke projects.
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